‘Ben can be relied on for sound advice and has his finger on the pulse in terms of the East Midlands occupational market’

Ben Coleman Associates have recently been instructed to market a modern detached two-storey quality office at 1-2 Grafton Court, Kettering Parkway, Kettering Venture Park, Kettering, Northants, NN15 6XR Comprising approximately 16,000 sq ft with 62 car spaces, the property is shortly available by way of a full repairing and insuring lease at a commencing rental of £240,000 pax.
The property has an excellent specification to include:
Gas fired central heating to radiators
Full access raised floors
Double glazing
Carpeting to office areas
Suspended ceilings with Cat II inset lighting
For further information contact:
Ben Coleman BSc FRICS
Ben Coleman Associates
18 High Street
t: 01604 660014
m: 07843 582303
Web: www.bencolemanassociates.co.uk